
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin is flame resistant and durable with a level of hardness that can easily be adjusted when used in combination with a plasticizer. With salt as one of the raw materials it is made from, PVC resin is a resource-saving plastic, since it has a long life and can easily be recycled.
Tokuyama's PVC resins are sold under the brand name ZEST™, which also means enthusiasm.

Product overview

Generic names Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin
Chemical formula -(CH2-CHCl)n-
Packing /
shipping method
Flexible containers and paper bags
General applications [General purpose PVC]
・Raw material in film, wire coatings, pipes
[PVC paste resin>]
・Raw material in wallpaper, flooring, gloves

Special characteristics

  • Our ZEST™ series of general-purpose PVC resins manufactured at the Tokuyama Factory features an extensive lineup from low to high polymerization products and can be used in a variety of applications. In particular, our lineup includes ultra-low fish-eye grades for soft-use products. Fish-eyes are ungelled PVC particles that appear in molded products and cause poor product appearance and lack of strength. ジョイカジノhotographs below show ジョイカジノresence of ungelled particles that have not blended with the surrounding area. The ZEST™ series of ultra-low fish-eye grades is designed to minimize the appearance of ungelled particles as much as possible.
    Fish eyes

    Fish eyes

    ジョイカジノon of FE cross section (x300)

    SEM observation of FE cross section (x300)

    ジョイカジノon of FE cross section (x1000)

    SEM observation of FE cross section (x1000)

    ジョイカジノon of FE cross section (x3000)

    SEM observation of FE cross section (x3000)

  • PVC paste, the manufacture of which is contracted to Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited, provides products with precisely controlled degrees of polymerization and particle size distributions using the most cutting-edge technologies as a pioneer in Japan. Over ジョイカジノast few years, we have expanded new product grades and added them to our PVC paste resin ZEST™ series, responding to the ongoing trend toward strength in elongation and surface reinforcement in PVC wallpapers. We are also developing easy-to-gel grades suitable for low-temperature processing. We can supply both crushed and granulated products on request.