Environmental Management

Basic Policy for Environmental Management

For The Tokuyama Group, the pursuit of proactive initiatives to protect the earth's environment is an important part of its corporate social responsibilities. Accordingly, the Company practices environmental management that takes into account the natural environment in all business activities.

Tokuyama Group Environmental Policy

The Tokuyama Group actively works to protect the environment and has set the following environmental policy under the Tokuyama Group Sustainability Principles, in order to contribute to the development of a sustainable society.

  • We strictly comply with laws and regulations.
  • We reduce environmental impact.
  • We combat climate change.
  • We build trusting relationships with stakeholders.
Fiscal 2024 Priority Measures

Policy Objectives

  • No legal violations
  • No environmental accidents
  • Reduce environmental impact

Key Action Items

  • Strictly comply with legal requirements, etc.
  • Continue zero environmental accidents
  • Reduce environmental impact
      Maintain or reduce emission levels of environmentally hazardous substances
      Promote zero waste emissions
  • Combat climate change
      Take action to achieve FY2030 greenhouse gas (GHG) target
      Promote energy-saving and conservation of electricity
  • Expand communication with stakeholders and improve information disclosure
  • Help conserve biodiversity
  • Effective use of water resources

Flow of Materials

Flow of Materials

Environmental Accounting

Tokuyama has been carrying out environmental accounting since fiscal 2000 in order to accurately determine and analyze the investment amounts and costs associated with its environmental conservation activities, thereby providing a sound basis for making environmental investments.
We have renewed electrostatic precipitators for ジョイカジノ 出金スピードmoke and dust, and upgraded equipment for reducing CO2 in FY2022.

Environmental Accounting(Percentage of Net Sales)

Biodiversity Management Activities

The Tokuyama Group established its "Tokuyama Group Biodiversity Policy" in April 2023. We have also endorsed the initiative based on the Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren (Japan Business Federation). We strive to help build a sustainable world and stay in harmony with the environment in partnership with our customers.
Related to the manufacture of chemical products, we recognize the risk of decline in biological species due to the following causes.

  • ・Acceleration of global warming due to GHG emissions from consumption of energy such as electricity and heat
  • ・Air, water, and soil pollution associated with emissions and wastewater, landfill, and product use and disposal
  • ・Introduction of non-native species through transport
  • ・Excessive consumption of biological resources
  • ・Destruction of habitat due to extraction of mineral and water resources
  • ・Destruction of habitat associated with use of land due to construction of new factories, etc.

In response to these risks, Tokuyama has mapped the relationships of our business activities to biodiversity to facilitate holistic consideration based on a comprehensive perspective. (Reference: Business Activities and Biodiversity (2022)). Tokuyama will continue engaging in social contribution activities, including those listed under "ジョイカジノ 出金スピード History,Basic Pur" and "Reducing Substances with Environmental Impact ジョイカジノ 系列aste". We will also continue to support activities by participating in forestry volunteer activities and Blue Carbon offset systems and implementing all of these efforts in dialogue and cooperation with various stakeholders, including suppliers, customers, and local communities.